“I want to experience more of the outstanding cities and sights America has to offer,” is a typical response we hear from people who want to become traveling nurses or allied health professionals.

    That’s a great reason, and we’re not knocking it, but have you considered the whole new world of experiences to be had from accepting assignments in locations that are somewhat (or a lot) off the beaten path? From rural commercial hubs to small towns, the United States is peppered with countless small and midsized communities that can offer rich and rewarding experiences to the traveling health care worker. For instance:

    • Life moves at a slower pace. When you have a break from the hectic, often stressful day or week at work, you can recharge your batteries with the peace and quiet of your local community. Instead of waking up, grabbing a quick cup of coffee, and dashing off to work, you can stop by a local family owned bakery/coffee shop for a mug of hot coffee, a fresh-baked muffin and a chat with the owner and other customers.
    • Exposure to different lifestyles and customs. Sometimes we forget that a significant part of the US population lives in nonurban, rural places. From the deep forests and rocky coasts of Maine to the southern bayous to the midwestern breadbasket to the agricultural and wine country of California, America’s rural population expresses a wide variety of cultures, customs, and cuisines that season our great melting pot. An assignment to a town in any of these regions can be an enriching experience.
    • People are friendlier. Not that people in big cities aren’t friendly, but they don’t always have time to show their lighter side. In smaller communities, people tend to be curious and interested in new faces. You are likely to find people are genuinely interested in you and your work, family, and life. They’ll take the time to answer questions and offer suggestions for things to do and places to see while you’re in their town, maybe even invite you along on a hike or ask you to join them at a local event.
    • Local attractions can be great entertainment. If you’ve seen your quota of Old Masters, historic structures, and mega theme parks, you are sure to be delighted by some of the many local attractions around the country. Some are quirky, some are hilarious, and all are uniquely appealing.
    • Nature is closer and more accessible. In large cities the roars and rhythms of daily life can recede to background noise to the point that we’re not aware of the stress it places on us. With less traffic, quieter surroundings, and more opportunity for leisurely wandering, you’ll find it easier to wind down and regain a sense of peace. Pausing to listen to the crickets, gaze at the stars, and smell the flowers is sure to replenish your energy.
    • You are boosting a local economy. The popular tourist destinations and major cities will probably continue to thrive whether you visit them or not. But the dollars you spend while working and living in a smaller community go straight to the city’s coffers and help support businesses, schools, and local attractions. Not only will you gain priceless memories, you’ll be contributing to your temporary hometown’s prosperity.

    If we’ve piqued your interest in learning about hometowns across America, remember that your skills are just as in demand in smaller local and regional hospitals as in major metropolitan medical centers. Just call us at (866) 463-0385 to learn about current opportunities across the country for nurses and allied health professionals.

    Experience the best that travel nursing has to offer.

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